Friday, March 29, 2013

Update 65 (captions)


Honour: "I can't get up!"

Cassius: "I think Selene likes you"
Harper: "What about Naomi???"

I have the same seats in my car!
A little less blue but...yeaahhhh B)

Honour: "I think my plan is ready to work!"

Honour: "AAHHH!"

BoneHilda: "Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

Mirror: "I am"

 Dragan: "We should--"
Honour: "Go away"

The band 'the Guy's' (;

It was a family show tonight...
and look! Naomi made it!

Charlie: "Quit staring at me creep"
Quincy: "Do you think I'm scarier than her?!"

Poor Pinky is MILESSSS away from home 
she followed the whole family out, 
so I had to reset her as she struggled to travel home

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