Sunday, January 20, 2013

BEAUTY: chapter 7

A new feeling

  I turned to slowly make my way back upstairs, hopefully without them noticing my presence. My heart pounded deadly through my chest as I heard Clifton's ruged tone call out to me. I froze, taking a deep breath, feeling like I was the one who made the mistake. I slowly turned around, forcing a fake smirk as I looked in the eyes of satin.

"If you mention anything to Kenneth I swear-"
I cut Clifton's sentence off "I won't, I promise!" I immediately rose my hands in defense, in hope he wouldn't plant his upon my face. I sighed in relief as the door bell echoed through the small house.

"Oh no! I forgot to leave a note for Kenneth this morning! Dang, that's probably him, I gotta go!"
With that said Monica opened up the back door slowly and disappeared. 
I still couldn't believe what just happened...
I opened the front door and signaled Kenneth to come in.

Clifton made his way upstairs probably to refreshen for work. 
"I feel a bad vibe, what's wrong with Cliff?" Kenneth watched him as he climbed each step.
I shrugged "Just his regular self" I looked away, not wanting to lie in his face. 

 "I think I'm losing Monica"
I looked upon is gloomy presence with sincerity. He doesn't deserve this. He is the first guy I ever met that is good and he ends up with a wife like that? I just don't want to see him going backwards. Maybe he needs me right now as much as I needed him.
"Do you want me to not go tonight?"

Kenneth's sea blue eyes met mine. 
"I appreciate that, but no. I can tell you are excited about this and I am interested in meeting the guy" 
I smiled, dazed by his australian accent once again. It reasurred me that everyhting is going to be alright. 

"Ken, your job is to watch Kiara, not to converse with her"
We both jumped, surprised to see Clifton down so quick.
Kenneth nodded apologetically. 
Without a good-bye Clifton slams the front door behind him. I heard the door shut to the Taxi and it wasn't long before the sound of the engine was lost in the distance. 

 "Can we go now?" I asked, secretly feeling anxious.
Kenneth took a step back and laid his hand out to the door, signaling me to take the lead.
I took a deep breath, excited to see what the world has to offer.

 We made it to the park in a short amount of time. I looked around, trying to spot out my target.
"Wow, this park is beautiful ! I never noticed to take a look while we would run"
I let out a soft laugh still shifting my eyes side to side when suddenly they stopped.

There he was. Sitting, enjoying the light breeze that bounced off the waves of the water. I couldn't help but pull up a slight grin, happy to see I came at the right time.
"Kiara, is that you?"
His head turned to face my figure standing in the distance. I waved in approval and he immediatley made his way toward me.

 "I knew you would of came" He spoke confidently
I shrugged "Nothing better to do..."
He looked me up and down "Wow... you must of been working out hard core. Look at you" He winked. I blushed slightly not knowing how to respond to such a compliment.
"Dustin?!" My ears perked up as Kenneth's voice interrupted our conversation.

"This is the guy you decided to go out with?!" I froze not intending to respond to that. He turned his attention to his target "Why are you even here?!"
"I could ask you the same thing" Dustin perked up an ebrow in annoyance.
These two knew each other?
"I'm always with her, I'm her--"

 "her what huhh? what could you possibly be to her but a work out buddy that doesn't even talk to her"
Kenneth looked at me than fixed his pupils back upon Dustin "Your watching us now?!"
"I come to this park alot, It is public you know. Iv'e noticed ya'll running--"
"Kiara let's go"
Anger began to build in my heart as I was tired of being told what to do "No" I replied.
Kenneth looked at me in disbelief.

 He walked away.

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